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Ramadan Actions: Be Ready for the Next Life

  Surely We will give new life to the dead, and We are recording whatever (deeds) they send before them and whatever effects they leave behind. Every thing is fully computed by Us in a manifest book of record. (36:12) The things we initiate in this world can be a source of reward for us even after we have left this world, this could be any number of actions that ultimately aid in doing good practices. For example, it could be in the form of ilm-un-nafay/beneficial knowledge we have imparted or facilitated, righteous offsprings, donating mush’afs to be read, disability aids like wheelchairs for the the sick or needy, or our property for the construction of a masjid. Similarly, the bad and sinful things we initiate will become a source of sin for us even after we have departed this world, and it is through the sinful actions we have encouraged or facilitated. For example, it could be a video with music we have left for others to hear, sinful knowledge we imparted to others, like a bi...

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