A Deeper Look at Surah Imran - Part 3


Bismillah Ar Rehman, Ar Raheem

Trial of Wealth and Children, and Competing in this World

“It has been made attractive for people to love the desired things; that is, women, children, hoarded heaps of gold and silver, branded horses, cattle and tillage. That is an enjoyment of the worldly life; but with Allah lies the beauty of the final resort.” (3:14)

Again and again in the Quran, Allah says, ‘your wealth and your children won’t be able to save you,’ this is because the focus of our efforts in this world are usually focused on those two; our progacy and our wealth. The deen tells us to care for our children, to provide for them. However we must not let those two things dictate us to the extent that we go blind over right and wrong. Our pursuits must remain under the umbrella of our purpose in life, which is to be an obedient slave of Allah. 

There is no greater favor conferred upon us but the light of our iman, so it is important that we let go of what is against the shariah, no matter how much we love it. We can’t live life on our own terms, we have to follow the Quran and Sunnah. We should assist in what will bring in Allah’s pleasure, and discourage what will bring Allah’s wrath, and this in itself is the best way to call others towards Allah; by leading a righteous life. 

O you who have believed, if you support Allāh, He will support you and plant firmly your feet. (47:7)

The reason we fall into disobedience of Allah is because we fall in competing with each other over the wrong things. Rather we should be racing towards Allah’s forgiveness, the akhirah, the Jannah that Allah has prepared for His pious; who openly spend in the way of Allah in poverty and wealth. 

“There is no life worth living except the life of the Hereafter..” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6414)

“The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer.” (Sahih Muslim 2956)

“Verily, the parable of myself and this world is that of a rider who seeks shade under a tree, then he moves on and leaves it behind.” (Musnad Aḥmad 3709)

Living as a traveler doesn't mean we don’t acquire wealth or don’t live in a comfortable way, rather it means we only take from the world what we need. It means that we are to fill our boat enough to keep it afloat, or else it will sink in the ocean of this dunya

The distinguishing part of our ummah is that we uphold the shariah of our deen. There lies a great responsibility on us to give dawah and uphold the teaching and shariah in current times. We have to play our part in extinguishing the fire that has plagued the ummah in the trials and fitnahs. Repent to Allah, make dua to have your iman be firmly grounded, implement the commands through knowledge and practice

Arrogance and Seeking Allah’s Help

Arrogance comes to us when we look at what we have and think we deserve it. That we did it ourselves; this removes the barakah from that thing. Allah gives honor to whom He wills, similarly, He can strip you of your power whenever He wills, so ask Him for aafiyah, that He overlooks our sins and excesses.

The reference to the Battle of Badr in this surah reminds us that no matter how much the odds are stacked against us, if Allah is on your side, you will succeed. If we wish for Allah’s help, blessings, in our life, then we need to guard ourselves from succumbing to fleeting pleasures of this world; opposite gender friendships and illicit relationships are exciting but haram, loving your children gives you joy, but it shouldn’t exceed your love for Allah, accumulating wealth brings luxury in life, but it cannot fulfill you. 

Importance of the Sunnah

“Say (O Prophet): ‘If you really love Allah, then follow me, and Allah shall love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.’ Say: ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger.” Then, should they turn back, Allah does not love the disbelievers.’ (3:31-32)

One of the central themes of this surah is the importance of obedience to the prophet ﷺ. The verses attest to the significance of following the sunnah. They attest to the importance and rank of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in our life. That he ﷺ was sent to us to recite the Quran, to purify us, to teach us the Quran and to bestow wisdom upon us. Allah has used three words for the Prophet ﷺ in the Quran: obey [him], [consider him your] role model, and follow [him]. Following him doesn’t only mean the outward sunnahs, which themselves are easier, but this refers to the inward sunnah, the mentality and way of compassion and forgiveness. The verses that tell us about victory at Uhad being overturned, signify how disobedience to the prophet ﷺ can be  detrimental to us. Similarly, we are also reminded in these verses that it was the gentleness and great character that Allah had blessed the prophet ﷺ with that won over the hearts of the sahaba. The deen can only be taught and shared through compassion and mercy. Beautiful akhlaq goes a long way, and no matter how pious we are, if we have no compassion or kindness, then all of our deen is reduced to nothing.

“The best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family. When one of you dies speak no ill of him." (Mishkat al-Masabih 3252, 3253)

We have an example in the prophet ﷺ of forgiveness and patience. On the Conquest of Makkah, he ﷺ forgave everyone, including Hind, who had Hamza killed and his body desecrated. We learn that we should be of those who forgive others for the sake of Allah; forgiving who have been unjust, who have wronged us, hurt us, brought pain to us. Learning to forgive will make us feel light, more content and bring an immense sweetness in our hearts. This also entails forgiving those who didn’t even ask for forgiveness and aren’t aware of damage they have caused. 

It is also necessary that we become one of those who are able to swallow their anger—anger is an emotion that is natural, what is required from us is to watch what we say and do, during it, because the person who humbles and lowers themselves for Allah, Allah elevates them.


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