Provision for the Seekers: A Brief Study of Selected Ahadith (13)


"To seek sacred knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim."  

(Sunan Ibn Majah 224)

Acquiring knowledge that pertains to our obligatory worship is mandatory on us to know: how to pray salah, what breaks wudu, the fard and wajid, halal and haram. We cannot make excuses of why we held high degrees in secular studies, but did not learn even the basics of what benefits us in both worlds.

"The best among you is he who learns the Qur'an or teaches it."  

(Sahih al-Bukhari 5027)

The best believers in the sight of Allah are those who are seekers of Quran, who seek to learn, understand, and share that knowledge with others. They learn how to recite the Quran properly, they learn it's lessons/knowledge/teachings, they implement those teachings, and they reflect and ponder over the verses. They are those with the best of character, those who bring benefit to others. We should be in a continuous effort to learn, reviewing, revising again and again, because there's something to learn every time.


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