Brief Tafseer: Juz 9 (Al-Araaf 88 to Al-Anfal 40 )


juz tafsir, an-anfal, quran

Bismillah Ar-Rehman Ar-Raheem

  • Those who think highly of themselves don’t want to see the good in others, and feel threatened by the other’s success. The elites of the previous nations would reject messengers of Allah due to this arrogance

  • Nothing good can occur without the will of Allah, therefore if we can do something good today, we can’t assume we will be able to do it forever

    • Keep making du’a that Allah keeps us steadfast

    • Never be arrogant about your faith and never take it for granted

  • Iman is not something a believer can move on from, because iman is their identity. It defines them; their life and their joys

    • A sincere believer is unwilling to give up their faith no matter what

  • Iman and righteousness are a favor from Allah. It is very easy to stray away from the right path, because remember that Iblees was once a righteous being

Thereafter, We substituted good in place of evil until they increased, and said, “Hardship and prosperity came to our fathers (too).” Then We seized them suddenly while they were not aware. (7:95)

  • Prosperity and hardships are both tests from Allah. Blessings are a test of gratitude 

  • Be mindful of Allah; of what you do, where you transgress, because what if the punishment of Allah befalls you suddenly

  • The believer is afraid of his sins, and performs the acts of worship while fearing Allah’s wrath. While the wicked commits acts of obedience while feeling safe from the wrath

  • A consequences of sins are calamities and hardness of the heart, this is when a person feels no shame over their sins

  • Allah is the One who gives power to the people, if He gives power to those who oppress us, He can also seize that power according to His will. Therefore, turn to Him in any and every situation. Seek His help through salah and sabr

    • Allah is well aware of our situations, He knows what is in our hearts, but we must use our words and talk to Him, we must make du’a

  • Relief in your situation will come according to its due time, but talking to Allah and unloading your apprehensions will give you moments of relief and tranquility

    • It is very important that we respect the times Allah has determined for things. Our impatience can cause more harm than good

“...haste is from Satan.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2012)

  • Don’t forget the lessons your past trials have taught you. Be grateful and better in your conduct

  • The greatest ignorance is not knowing Allah, recognize Him and don’t be swept by trendy ideologies

  • To learn the Book of Allah, we need to focus on it, which in some cases might be achieved by isolating ourselves

  • The reward of being able to see Allah in Jannah is a reward that will supersede any other reward in the Hereafter

    • Make du’a to be given that reward and status

  • Weak intentions lead to weak actions, so strive for the best, have lofty intentions and then work towards them. Even if you fail to reach the limit you have set, you will still be performing more than you had expected

  • Is there anyone more Merciful than Allah? The slaughter of animals, or being hurt of children and those less guilty is not for us to complain about. Allah will raise each person according to their level of guiltiness

  • Is we want the permanent mercy of Allah, we need to believe in and follow the sunnah

  • Disobedience brings road blocks in our way, it brings deprivation of rizq

  • Those of the Bani Israel who tried to stop the transgressors in the incident of Sabath were the only ones who Allah saved, this is why it is important that we continue to speak the truth even if people don’t want to accept it

  • All the souls that came and will come till the end of time were created at the same time, and were asked “Am I not your Lord?” This was asked before a single prophet came to inform us of the truth, proving that recognizing Allah as our Creator is our fitrah

  • Not following the verses while having knowledge of them is a devilish act. If you don’t stop yourself from doing this, shaytan will distance you even more from the truth

    • It is important that we act on what we know

  • Good company is an equal component of action, along with knowledge, because good company will motivate us to act on what we know

  • When making du’a, use His Names that are relevant to what you are asking for. This means we should know His names, and recognize Him in that light

Examples: Ya Wahhab, you are the Giver of Gifts, gift us with Your guidance, Your help, Your love, Your closeness, and Your acceptance. Ya Qahhar, You can overpower who You will, You punish who You will, and You spare who You will, forgive us and don’t punish us. Ya Hakam, grant us the wisdom and patience to accept Your decree no matter how painful it may seem momentarily. You are the Judge and Your decree is haqq.

  • We should not be concerned with when the day of judgment will be, rather we should be concerned about what we have prepared for it

  • We should be grateful for our faculties; our limbs, our senses, our good health. The best way to be grateful and give thanks is by using those same blessings in a good and righteous manner

  • Shaytaan is always trying to insight bad thoughts in our head, whispering wrongful things, making us angry. When this occurs, rely on dhirk until you calm down

    • Salah and dhikr are the fortress of a muslim

    • Develop a regular routine of morning and evening adhkar, and do so with humility

  • When the Quran is being recited, pay attention to it. Do not make it mere background noise. Do not engage in tasks that take away your attention from it

  • When someone says something ignorant to you or about you, ignore and pardon them

Suran Al-Anfal

  • Money is a fitnah, making even the good people weak

    • Unity and love are far more precious than any amount of wealth

    • It is not right that we be estranged from our family or harbor ill feelings towards someone due to wealth or transient possessions

  • If the more difficult route in an option of two befalls you, know that there is greater good in it for you

Certainly, the believers are those whose hearts are filled with awe when (the name of) Allah is mentioned; and when His verses are recited to them, it makes them more developed in faith; and in their Lord they place their trust. (8:2)

  • The state of a true believer is that he becomes fearful of sins at the mention of Allah, and abandons that sin and makes necessary changes in his life. The mention of Allah strengths his iman

  • Reflect over how you make du’a, do you beg and ask Allah as much as you should?

And do not be like those who say, “We have listened” while they do not listen. (8:21)

  • It is not sufficient to only hear, it is necessary to bring about the changes in our life

  • Betraying Allah and the Messenger means not obeying the commandments completely, for e.g. being inattentive during salah

  • Property and children are indeed a blessing from Allah, but they are also a trial, because they keep us occupied. They are a trial of whether we become forgetful of Allah and our duty to Him, while busy with our blessings

  •  When a person remembers Allah and is mindful of Him, Allah blesses this person with self awareness and clarity. Taqwa allows this person to distinguish between right and wrong.

  • As long as a person seeks the forgiveness of Allah, he is safe from punishment. Even the angels are told to wait a little before noting down a person’s sins, in case he regrets and repents

“...Allah is your protector. So excellent a protector is He, and so excellent a supporter.” (8:40)

  • The fact that Allah is our Protector should always bring relief to us in the face of fear, hate and opposition. Therefore, never lose hope


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