Provision for the Seekers: A Brief Study of Selected Ahadith (8)

Abu Malik at-Ash'ari reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “...the Holy Qur'an is a proof on your behalf or against you…” (Sahih Muslim 223)

  • If we discharge the haqq of the Quran by honoring it, then the Quran will testify for us, be a witness for us on the Day of Judgement. 

    • Similarly, if we don’t honor it, don’t fulfill it’s rights, it will be against us as a witness. Which means it will complain to Allah about us, and will ask for its right. 

  • Our relationship with the Quran should be: 

    • Iman: believe in it as the Book of Allah

    • Talawah: recite it like it should be recited

    • Tadabur: reflect over what we recite

    • Ilm: to gets its knowledge, meaning, the rulings derived from it

    • Amal: to implement that knowledge

Anas b. Malik reported: The Paradise is surrounded by hardships and the Hell-Fire is surrounded by temptations. (Sahih Muslim 2822)

  • Jannah requires sacrifice and effort, so choosing to do good even if it is hard is better than doing what is easy and going towards Hellfire.

  • Following the desires of our nafs takes us closer to Hellfire

Say, "Not equal are the evil and the good, although the abundance of evil might impress you." So fear Allāh, O you of understanding, that you may be successful. (5:100)

  • Sometimes unlawful things can be easily accessible to a person, but this is just another trial. In which passing the test is to save yourselves from engaging in that unlawful thing in the fear of Allah.

    • Can you refrain yourself from sin when no one is watching? When it is only you and Allah?

  • If your wealth is earned to impermissible means, it’s never going to have any barakah. It will only be a source of burden in this life and the next. On the other hand, our pure income might be little in quantity but it will be full of barakah and a source of rehma in this world and the next. 

  • Good things have a good impact on this life and the next. Sometimes evil and sin become so common and widespread, that we forget what the right and good thing is. In such, we must pick the right thing. 

    • Whether it is in your speech, deeds, clothing, or income, good and bad are not the same, because good leads to Jannah, while bad leads to Hellfire.


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