Brief Tafseer: Juz 8 (Al-An'am 111 to Al-Ar'af 87)


quran tafseer

Bismillah Ar-Rehman Ar-Raheem

  • Ignorance becomes an obstacle in the path to guidance. Our own bias are like an ignorance that prevent us from submitting

  • Here Allah comforts the Messenger ﷺ that the prophets have always had critics and enemies who plotted against them

    • If you break down the words of the critics, they are nothing but fancy language by which weak minded people get affected. It is a play on words, lies

    • People who deceive others with fancy language are liked devils because they are misleading themselves and others 

  • The truth is bitter sometimes because it calls for making changes, whether now or with the people of Makkah. Those who don’t want to change despite seeing the truth will distort the facts

  • Do not fear the hate people spew about Islam and the Quran. You may fear that their lies are causing damage, but remember that Allah guides who He wills, who are willing to seek the truth

  • The word of Allah is perfect and true. The Quran is unchangeable, because only what is imperfect needs to be revised. The Quran is relevant for all and for all times

  • The practice of majority is not always evidence to establish something as credible. The majority follow their own desires, assumptions, rumors

    • One who wants to follow the truth must hold onto the truth firmly

  • Leave all sins, whether they are public (like taunting others) or private (like backbiting), as both are wrong. Any sins whether in words or actions needs to be left behind, because our sins are known to Him

  • Having iman not only makes the heart alive, it also gives it clarity. There’s light inside and out

  • The first kind of guidance is irshad, which is talim; when a person gets to know what Allah wants

    • This is equally available to all people

  • The second type of guidance is sharh al-sadr, tawfiq, which is the ability to act on what you know. This ability is given by Allah through opening of the chest; which is to trust and believe in what Allah had said, to follow and submit to it

  • If Allah chooses to, He can close the hearts, preventing them from getting guidance. For such people, they find Islam suffocating, the obligations like salah and sawm make them feel like a  prison sentence

  • We should ask Allah to open our hearts and expand our chests, because the person whose chest is open to Islam, will happily accept and fulfill the commandments

  • In surah Fatiha we ask Allah to set us on the straight path, that straight path leads to the Home of Peace, Jannah, the Home of As-Salaam

    • It is a home of everlasting safety and security from disease, old age, death, all and any evil and harm. It is a place with no disturbance nor difficult circumstances; you won’t even need to worry about bodily fluids!

    • The greeting of the people of Jannah will be Salaam

  • Those who were together in sin will be together in punishment. If someone helps you sin, know that they aren’t a friend

  • Our rank in Jannah will be based on our deeds

  • The people of the Quran are those who live by the Quran; they live by it’s commandments, they read it

  • When we are short on time or energy, what do we find ourselves cutting out or decreasing? Is it our entertainment? We should use this to determine what we give preference to

  • When a person commits heinous crimes then the heart also becomes hard, which deprevies the person from guidance 

  • We cannot invent our own ways to please Allah, since a good intention alone isn’t enough, it needs to be followed by a deed that has been legislated by Allah

    • For example, performing four rakahs instead of three in maghreb with the intention to pray more, this is wrong!

  • Gratitude is that you enjoy the blessings Allah has given you, you don’t prohibit them on yourself, and that you share them with others

    • However do not be excessive or wasteful. Spending in a great quantity is itself not wrong, but spending on a sin is a waste

    • Spending on yourself in an excessive manner is wasteful when you forget that you were given that wealth to meet your needs as well as earn rewards

  • Everything good or bad happens by the permission of Allah. Everything happens by a cause, and the effect happens by the will of Allah.

    • Did Allah not prevent the fire from burning Ibrahim?

  • When we intend on something, we cannot see it through without Allah’s permission

    • Just because Allah allows something, doesn’t mean He necessarily likes it. His is not the way to force people to guidance. The allowance we have to engage in bad without getting caught right away, the liberties that we enjoy, will have to be accounted for in the akhirah, where every single deed will be weighed

  • It is essential for a believer to know what is halal and haram, and must share this knowledge with others. Haram is not decided by logic, rather it is determined by what is commanded by Allah and His Messenger. 

  • We are to follow the Quran, learn it, understand it, and make it our guide. Whoever wants Allah’s mercy, should follow His Book

    • The quran is a source of endless blessings and benefits

  • Everything that we do, is supposed to be for the sake of Allah, regardless of whether it is a religious or worldly affair


  • The Quran is there to inform and remind. It has been described as a light, and light brings you comfort in the darkness, it gives you hope

  • We should engage in morning and evening adhkar, seeking Allah’s protection because we don’t know what will befall us

  • Deeds will be weighed on the Day of Judgement, and deeds done with sincerity will be as heavy as mountains

    • Deeds that are heavy in the scale: good character, remaining silent, participating in someone’s funeral, patience at the loss of a child, a sadaqa jariya in the form of a property or estate dedicated to charity

  • The way of Iblees is to blame Allah for his own wrongdoing, which is something we are warned against and shouldn’t be copying

  • Iblee’s prayer was granted, but he makes us believe ours won’t be. Hence do not fall in this state of despair, rather don’t stop making du’a, even when you have committed a sin—the way to Allah is open

[Satan] said, "Reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected." (7:14)

  • Shaytan makes sins attractive, starting with the change in mindset that what is forbidden to us by Allah, has indeed some benefit in its consumption. He intends for us to make that unlawful thing lawful on ourselves 

  • There are two kinds of sins (1) refusal to obey Allah, which is what Iblees did. (2) to do what Allah has prohibited, which is what Adam AS did. Both sins are wrong, but what sets the difference between Iblees and Adam AS is that Adam repented and did not repeat the sin again

  • Dress appropriately when you engage in the worship of Allah: clean, covering and decent clothing. He is worthy of our efforts

  • Allah has not prohibited us from enjoying the good things in life, but He has told us to be moderate

  • Allah has forbidden all immoralities, whether in eyes, speech, action or mind. Therefore be careful with your tongue, don’t use dirty or curse words, don’t find joy in vulgar or indecent jokes

  • Do not belittle the smallest good or bad deed, even that small deed can decide your fate for eternity

    • Our actions can never be enough, but we must try our best

  • There is a loneliness in the human heart that can’t be reduced without talking to Allah. A sadness that can’t be removed without knowing Him


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