Brief Tafseer: Juz 6 (An-Nisa 148 to Al-Maidah 82)


juz quran islam

Bismillah ar-Rehman ar-Raheem

  •  We need to pay attention to the words we say, because there are words that Allah likes and dislikes
    • speech that Allah dislikes is public, loud mention of evil. Evil whether in thought, speech or action is disapproved by Allah. 
    • this can be a person backbiting another, cursing another, lying
    • using harsh, rude language with someone
      • this is except for those who have been wronged. They are allowed to do so but not more than those who have wronged them
  • Learn to pardon and overlook, because before someone benefits from our forgiveness, it is us who benefits
  • Spreading Salaam and speaking kindly with others even if they don't deserve it brings about forgiveness
  • Evil only brings evil, if a person chooses to remain silent, it ends the evil
  • Islam cannot be practiced by picking and choosing what to believe in, what to follow. Religion is not about following the desires, it is about surrendering to Allah
  • People spare no one. We learn that Allah is patient over the wrong that people attribute to Him. The prophets were patient over the unfair demands made of them
    • the Prophet  was patient looking at the example of Musa عليه السلام therefore we should look at the examples of our prophet to derive patience within ourselves
  • A mistake can be made by anyone, but a believer feels remorse, humility before Allah to ask for forgiveness.
  • Allah is Al-Aziz, He is the Almighty, nothing is too big for Him. He is the source of honor, He gives it to who He wills.
    • don't be afraid of what people say or might say about you. Who Allah honors and protects cannot be harmed
  • We all want good things in life, and sometimes we feel like the law of Allah deprives us or doesn't allow us to enjoy things. But we cannot get true enjoyment by violating the commands of Allah, by diverting someone of the way of Allah.
  • We should reflect on ourselves. If we feel any deprivation despite having blessings in front of us and still not being able to enjoy them, we should reflect on our source of income, whether it is lawful or not, does it contain riba, and whether we are unlawfully taking from others
  • Those who are firm in their belief are those who strive to seek His approval, are humble before Him, are eager to please Him, and not people. They acknowledge that Allah has given more to some, and withheld from some, either through knowledge, status or age, they don't look down on those below them, and give respect and recognize those above them
  • A truly knowledgeable person is he who has fear of Allah, is humble with people, is disinterested in the world and strive against their nafs. 
  • The Quran is free of any errors, which is not the case for other books in the world. 
    • The books written by limited-knowledge possessing humans are regularly revised, republished because the knowledge of a human is always evolving, it is not the haqq, not the absolute truth.
    • Allah's knowledge is limitless, He knows everything. Therefore the Quran is the haqq it is the absolute truth, and we should have full confidence in it. 
  • The greatest honor of a slave of Allah is in being a slave of Allah. This is the highest praise that can be given to a human, and it is arrogance that one thinks that following the commands of Allah is beneath them.
  • Fulfill all obligations and contracts whether they are with Allah or with the creation. Whether the promise is between two people or two parties, the sign of a believer is that he fulfills his promises.
  • If someone has wronged you in the past and now you are in a position of power, forgive them. If the oppressor had repented and made amends, then you should move on.
  • We should support and help one another, which may be an encouraging word or an ear to listen to. We should remind and aide our brothers and sisters in good.
  • If someone expects us to or pressurizes us to engage or cooperate in the same sin as them, we should take a stand respectfully while reminding them the wrongness of the action
    • even if the other party is temporarily upset with you, stay persistent in abiding by the commandments of Allah
    • stopping people from committing injustice is the best way to support them
  • One who wants the pleasure of Allah should turn to the book of Allah. Through the Quran a person is guided towards saboor As Salaam
    • do good deeds to gain the pleasure of Allah. We do so much to gain admiration and love from people, but how much do we do for Allah's love? 
  • When a person eagerly desires to please Allah, he exerts himself in his efforts, whether through reading or listening to the book of Allah. Then Allah guides this person.
  • The acceptance of deeds is not merely based on the performance of deeds, but on the intention
    • when you want something good you have to take the first step. You have to do what is within your ability, and Allah will give you strength and open doors for you
  • One sin leads to another, and it all begins with a corrupt intention.


Notes from tafseer with Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair


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