A Deeper Look at Surah Imran - Part 3
Bismillah Ar Rehman, Ar Raheem Trial of Wealth and Children, and Competing in this World “It has been made attractive for people to love the desired things; that is, women, children, hoarded heaps of gold and silver, branded horses, cattle and tillage. That is an enjoyment of the worldly life; but with Allah lies the beauty of the final resort.” (3:14) Again and again in the Quran, Allah says, ‘your wealth and your children won’t be able to save you,’ this is because the focus of our efforts in this world are usually focused on those two; our progacy and our wealth. The deen tells us to care for our children, to provide for them. However we must not let those two things dictate us to the extent that we go blind over right and wrong. Our pursuits must remain under the umbrella of our purpose in life, which is to be an obedient slave of Allah. There is no greater favor conferred upon us but the light of our iman, so it is important that we let go of what is against the shariah, no mat